Thursday 2 June 2016

18 Types of Guppy Fish

Guppy fish is one type of ornamental fish which was originally derived from wild fish. Because it has the basic characteristics of guppy fish is beautiful, then the fish breeding and crossed with other species of fish.
Creating a new type of guppy fish and the more beautiful. Until now, there have been many all types of ornamental fish. Guppy fish included in the family Poeciliidae.
Ornamental fish that are this pretty, Petite and who isn't captivated by her beauty. In addition to her beauty, cuteness guppy fish is also not less cute.

Guppy fish that has a small body and colorful. The fins waving there fro as she moves.

Guppy fish has a very unique style and adorable time attracting a mate. This fish has indeed become one of the primadonannya fish. Reasonable course many ornamental fish lovers who often seek these fish as his favorite pet.


There are 40 more types of guppy fish cross (hybrid) that already breed the ornamental fish farmers in Indonesia. The following 18 types of Guppy fish and Most Prettiest things you should know:


Can sort this guppy fish is the Prima Donna of all guppy fish in farm that existed in Indonesia. Guppy fish price is also quite fantastic, just imagine 3 guppy fish tail red dragon it can reach 1 million rupiah.
It is remarkable? Fish as small as it can be worth millions of dollars. However this guppy type is a bit weird time swim. Because such an objection brought wide tail.
Guppy fish red dragon has a tail fin shape is stretched sideways, also called delta tail just like Guppy fish owned Blue Grass.


It seems like there hasn't been another guppy fish that has a strange and unique tail like the Germany. The shape of the tail was similar to that of a Crown or a comb because it named crown tail.


Guppy fish blue moscow guppy type is derived from Moscow, Russia. Types of guppy has the basic colors of pink and a little purple.
In addition, the guppy fish has a long tail and look elegant swimming times. Because of its beauty makes this type of many hunted by lovers of ornamental fish.


The guppy fish type 4 also comes from Moscow. The name Blue Guppy Moscow Albino as seen from her  pink color and mixed with purple. The long tail is making this type of guppy fish looks elegant when swimming.


Guppy fish black moscow guppy fish is the type that has a dark black color all over his body. This type of guppy fish also come from Moscow, Russia.
There is also a guppy fish types that have the same color and character that is fullblack guppy fish Thailand. The difference of the two is the origin of the fish.


Guppy fish mozaic is a type of guppy fish that has a blue colour at the base of the tail and fins. Guppy fish types typically has a regular color arrangement.
If the fish has a blue color, then its alloy color is yellow and dark blue color if you have, then its alloy color is red. In addition, the type of guppy fish also has a pattern of wavy lines on siripnya.


Types of guppy red mozaic is almost the same with Guppy Red Blonde. But that sets it apart, namely the body posture is more elongated and dressed in red livery with pieces of stone.


Singapore super red guppy fish is a type of guppy fish which comes from Singapore. Types of guppy fish has a bright red color all over his body.
In addition, the guppy fish has a long tail and fins. Guppy fish type has the same posture with other types of guppy.


Japan blue guppy fish is estimated to come from wild guppy fish populations in Japan. guppy fish type import has the color blue in the male guppy waist.
But this guppy fish actually has many color variations. The results of the latest type of intersecting guppy fish guppies in japan has the blue color is blue on the head and base of the tail.


Almost the same type of guppy fish black Moscow. Guppy fish import type this one also has a black color in the part of his whole body.
But what sets it apart is the guppy fish is derived from Thailand while the guppy black moscow comes from Moscow.


Types of guppy fish imports that it also comes from Thailand. His body tends to be colored metal and its tail striped style.


Cobra guppy fish is marked with a pattern which resembles a Cobra in the wholebody black, white or yellow. Because of the beautiful, Parameswara converted type of guppy fish hunted by many lovers of ornamental fish.


This type of guppy fish guppies have metal red king Cobra halfmoon. The tail is long and beautiful covered in red metal.


Types of guppy fish has an overall color of platinum with fins and a long tail.


Guppy fish guppies are a type of metallic that have blue or dark metallic grey in the male guppy. Because of the color of it, this fish called guppy metallic.
Guppy fish is most easily obtainable i.e. metallic type guppy cobra. This type of guppy fish is the result of a cross from guppy metallic with guppy cobra. Characteristics IE have metallic colors on the chest and back of body colored cobra.


Redlace snakeskin guppy fish is a kind of a guppy fish have color tones like red batik.
In addition, this type of guppy fish also have fins and a long tail. This makes this guppy fish looks very pretty.


Blue grass guppy fish is a change from the guppy fish mozaic. The traits on the type of guppy fish is to have the points that are black or a dark blue tail and fins onits back.


And the last type of guppy fish guppies i.e. red blonde. Guppy fish types have a smaller posture than other guppy fish. But still pretty dressed because the tail is red.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Bangkok Knife Clown Fish

This is one of the types of freshwater aquarium fish nestling can grow large. It was said the fish can grow to a length of over 50 cm. As for the types of fish that ' he said belida ' set as material food making typical pempek palembang.

However, bangkok knife clown fish from palembang has no spots on his body guys. ...
Belida fish body shape is quite unique, small tapered head, and turns his towering like mount twin or impressed bend.

Fish fish predators including bangkok knife clown fish also guys, because be given feedback in the form of small fishes. So, if you observe this fish (belida) don't mix with small fish, could run out in packed by him.

In the aquarium, these fish could be a tankmate Arowana fish and some other type of big fish. Their very nature tend to be quiet and not very active in the aquarium.The movement is almost like fin black ghost fish that looks like a windblown banners: mrgreen:

Spot in the body is a strong attraction for lovers of ornamental fish. The more spot, more interesting. In fact there are also seeking a certain amount of Spot. Yes ... All depends on the tastes of each of these guys ...

The price of bangkok knife clown fish on the market including the ' Dim ' because of the availability of goods is also uncertain. If again a lot, usually we can buy with a relatively cheaper price, but if you are rare, it could be two or three times the market price.

Freshwater Aquarium Fish Small Durable not easily die

A small freshwater fish that are durable and not easily die. For beginners who want to try maintain freshwater aquarium fish certainly like to keep different types of freshwater aquarium fish are durable, since novices still not too ingredients will be techniques that can be performed in the maintenance of the fish. Then, what kind offish can survive much longer.

Some of the freshwater aquarium fish that is Durable not easily die

The following are some of the types of freshwater aquarium fish are durable, among which are:

1. Guppy fish

 Guppy fish is a kind of fish that have a small body size and the width of the tail with a very pretty colors and interesting. Guppy fish a lot of demand for it because these fish can betahan live longer in aquariums although not equipped with auxiliarytools such as oxygen pump. To keep the Guppy fish is not too difficult and quite simple, albeit only by using small-sized Aquarium that can hold at least 1 liter of water, fish Gupy can already in keep and can survive. San consists of many types andvarious variants of color as well as the shape of the tail.

2. Fish-Platis

Fish platis is a kind of fish that has many species that grouped based on color andalso the shape of the tail. In addition to fish, it turns out the old berthan is a type of fish that is very easy to go forth despite being inside the Aquarium. Fish-platis most pleased is above the surface of the water and if the fish is being felt panic, then the fish will jump from platis Aquarium. These fish can also be raised and can hold while not in complete with tools.

3. Fish Molly

Fish Molly has a body shape that is rounded and rather short, this type of fish is also similar to the type of fish to swim above platis surface water. Types of fish molly is pretty much and grouped on the basis of form and colour variants, this fish isalso easy to be kept aside can also breed in the Aquarium by itself.

4. Betta Fish

Types of freshwater aquarium fish are durable and easily maintained other fish betta fish, it will last longer though kept in aquariums that are not equipped with lights and also pumps oxygen. Even if fitted lights, then this fish is easy to stress because fish betta prefer swimming in the dark waters. For its kind, fish betta consists oftwo types of such kinds of fish betta adua and also kind of fish betta. Types of ornamental fish betta has a teardrop shape and color is very beautiful and attractive, while for the kind of complaint have the colors and shapes that are less attractive if kept for decoration.

That is some type of freshwater aquarium fish are durable, hopefully a little bit above reviews can be useful and slightly increase knowledge for novices.

Monday 30 May 2016

Alligator gar (atractosteus spatula)

Alligator gar (atractosteus spatula)

Of the seven species of gar, Alligator Gar was the biggest, its size can reach up toa length of up to 3 meters tall and weigh 140 pounds. The type of Alligator gar is that many for sale. To keep this fish we should prepare a large aquarium or pond fish predators

Cuban Gar (atractosteus tristoechus)

Fish types gar comes from Cuba. The maximum length of this fish can reach 2 meters. In the wild adult Cuban Gar fish it eats the fish and birds. The ideal temperature for this fish is (18 ° C-23 ° C).
These fish include the endangered species list and are currently in captivity do.

Tropical Gar (atractosteus tropicus)

Tropical Gar is derived from the waters of southern Mexico to Costa Rica, this fish can reach lengths of up to 1.25 m in the wild (though often much smaller in captivity).
Tropical this gal at first glance looks very similar to Longnose Gar either color or marking, but can be distinguished from a shorter muzzle and wide.

Longnose Gar (lepisosteus osseus)

Longnose gar can be derived from the area of North and Central America. The first of these fish for food. But now this fish in America became a favorite of anglers.Being in this predator fish Indonesia a favorite charger large aquarium/pond fishpredators.
Prey of the longnose gar this is small fish and sometimes insects and shrimp. Sexual maturity for male fish between three and four years, whereas females at the age of six years. Their eggs are highly toxic to humans, but other predatory fish can tolerate their toxicity.
Longnose gar has an average age of 15-20 years though never reported these fish reach the age of 39. Longnose Gar is a sexually dimorphic means that males and females can be distinguished visually; females have a long, heavy, and the fins arelonger than the males.
Longnose gar reaches an average length of 0,71-1.2 m with a maximum length of about 1.8 m and a maximum weight of 25 kg.

Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus)

Spotted Gar is very similar and difficult to distinguish with the Florida Gar. Unlike the Florida Gar are relatively easier to look for a voracious predator fish is hard to find in the market.
The maximum age for this gar is 18 years. Males will mature at the age of two or three years, while females mature at the age of three or four years. Fish the females average larger and live longer than males. Whereas females reached sexual maturity of fish at the age of 6 years.
Although unrecorded as a species threatened with extinction, but some some States in the USA (South Dakota, Delaware, Pennsylva) have reported fish this endangered population.

Florida Gar (lepisosteus platyrhincus)

Florida Gar is very similar to the Spotted Gar. In addition to the Alligator gar fish is also available at the market. This at a time when adult fish have a long range-51,7 132,2 cm and usually weighs 1.36-4,36 kg.
This predator fish has black spots, which are not regularly at the top of his head and the whole body including the anal fin. The distance the eye less than two-thirdsthe length of the snout. Florida gar has a Brown-olive on the back and sides, andwhite or yellow on the belly. At the time of this fish still young she has dark stripeson the back and the side.

Shortnose Gar (lepisosteus platostomus)

Shortnose gar is derived from the American continent and able to grow to the size of 1 m. Like the other gar species of fish food fish predator fish and insects.

Platinum Gar

Diet/feeding Fish on Gar

Fish types gar or ordinary we call this natural alligators is a great fish eaters live fish. But after the puasakan this type of fish will receive also a fish/frozen shrimp. But preferably before dont give feed should first be given fish live fish to fish enough "fat".
Food should be given every day if the fish is still small to step on adolescents; While most adult fish only need one or two meals in one week.
It is advisable to quarantine live feed the fish before the fish was given to gar to avoid illness or parasites.
Fish types gar or "alligators" should not eat the flesh of mammals such as the heart of the beef or chicken because of some lipids and other organic compounds contained in meat cannot be metabolized by fish, which will cause a buildup of excess fat and even decreased function (macular) organs of fish if the feeding is given in the long term.

Cat Fish

Many species of catfish or more we know by the name of catfish/ornamental catfish into a freshwater aquarium fish that many are interested in the ornamental fish hobbyists. A great many types of catfish or catfish this size ranging from small to giant. For example only Red tail catfish is able to reach a size of 1 meter as adults.

Armored Catfish Corydoras-

Family: Callichthyidae
This type of catfish are small and occupy the base of the aquarium. There are many types of corydoras is however the most ubiquitous i.e. albino corydoras. Ornamental fish is suitable for you who have Aquarium size is not too large. These fish can also be connect with other ornamental fish in one community in the Aquarium.

Banjo Catfish

Family: Aspredinidae
This mustachioed fish named "Banjo" because these fish have a shape like a banjo.That is included in the banjo catfish is Banjo Cat/Guitarrita (Bunocephalus Coracoid) originating from South America. The fish most of the time is spent on this silence including nocturnal fish who are more active at night.

Flat-nosed Antenna Catfish-Catfish

Family: Pimelodidae
This group of fish is one of the most popular and in interest. Some of them belong to the predator fish and have a maximum size until it reaches more than 1 meterso as to keep this fish to mature will be in need of the aquarium with the enormous size or place in the fish pond
This Catfish antenna according to the origin is divided into 2 parts, namely: SouthAmerica Antenna Catfish and Antenna Catfish.
That is included in the group South America Antenna Catfish, among others, were: the Pictus Cat, Red Tail Cat Fish, Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (TSN), Lima Shovelnose/Sorubim Lima, Marbled Pim, Four-lined Pimelodus, Zebra Shovelnose/Tigrinus Catfish.
The most popular of American catfish group include Red Tail Catfish, Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (TSN) and Which belong to the Asian Group Antenna Catfish among others are: Asian Bumblebee Catfish, Asian Upside-down Catfish, Catfish Lancer Black, Shadow Catfish

Naked Upside-Down Catfish-Catfish

Family: Mochicidae
One of the uniqueness of this type of fish is that they like to swim with OpenDNS.

Pangasius Catfish-Shark Catfish

Family: Pangasiidae
This type is one of the most numerous in interest. Fish/catfish pangasius is one that is included into the group. There is a type of shark catfish is very similar to a shark we know by the name of Genghis Khan's name. To maintain this type of fish to adults in need a fairly large aquarium because of its size can reach 1 meter even more. One of the largest is the Giant Mekong Catfish can reach a size of more than 2.5 metres.
That is included in this group, among others, Iridescent Shark, Striped Catfish, Sutchi Catfish (Paroon Shark), Catfish Pangas (Yellowtail Catfish), One Spot Pangasius, Giant Mekong Catfish
Mekong giant catfish
Mekong Giant Catfish

Shark Catfish-Sea Catfish

Family: Ariidae
Catfish of this type is capable of living in brackish or fresh water.

Suckermouth Catfish-Armor-Plated Catfish

Loricariidae Family:
Perhaps we are more familiar with the name fish sweep-broom. Or often called as"pleco". This family loricariidae is the largest group of Catfish with 680 more species

Thorny Catfish

Family: Doradidae
This catfish has the characteristic of "bone" that stand out along the body

Walking Catfish

Family: Clariidae
Catfish or catfish of this type is probably the most often we find the village, catfish,clarias gariepinus (Clarias gariepinus) are included in this group. Although there are some species that we should consider becoming residents of the Aquarium we are albino catfish clarias catfish albino aka

Driftwood Catfish

Family: Auchenipteridae
Have a unique body shape type of driftwood catfish is also very suitable for our aquarium. Catfish jaguar catfish and oil are included in this category.

Whale Catfish

Family: Cetopsidae
As the name suggests this type of catfish or clarias overview similar to whale (whale). While there are several among this type of whale catfish is more like a shark.

Talking Catfish

Family: Doradidae
Types of ornamental catfish called "talking catfish" catfish or talk because he couldemit "click" especially when heon the move from the Aquarium

Sisorid Catfish

Family: Sisoridae
Catfish or clarias originating from asia usually live in fresh water and is able to adapt to their surroundings so. That is included in this group include Moth Catfish (Hara Jerdoni),

Electric Catfish

Family Malapteruridae
Some types of catfish or catfish of this group of fish from Africa is able to generate electricity up to 350 volts. Usually they are active at night.

Sheath Catfish

Family: Siluridae
Catfish or the catfish is also known by the name of wels catfish. The hallmark of the sheath fish catfish is her mouth wide.

One that includes this group i.e. dinema catfish that originate from Borneo and Glass Catfish aka glass catfish

Peacock Bass / PBass (Cichla Species)

Peacock Bass or Pbass is one fish predators are pretty much likely. This fish is one of the biggest fish in the family cichlidae. Pbass comes from waters in the Americas. There are many varieties of this type of Peacok Bass, the most commonly encountered is Monoculus, Occelaris and Orinoco. Although fish visible appearance Pbass spooky but green color beautiful golden age many make fans fall in love with fish fish this beast.
Fierce-faced fish has a very quick movement to hunt down prey. Pbass also includes fish fish that greedy. The maximum size of this fish can reach 75 cm. And growthrate or the growth rate of fish the Peacock Bass including very fast. For large size it is necessary for them.

There are several types of fish Peacok Bass is

1. Peacock Bass Monoculus (Cichla Monoculus)

2. Oscelaris Peacok Bass (Cichla Oscelaris)

3. Orinoco Peacock Bass (Cichla Orinocensis)

4. Peacok Bass Temensis (Cichla Temensis)

5  Kelberi Peacock Bass (Cichla kelberi)

6. Azul Peacock Bass (Cichla piquiti)

7. the Xingu peacock Bass (Cichla melaniae)