Tuesday 31 May 2016

Bangkok Knife Clown Fish

This is one of the types of freshwater aquarium fish nestling can grow large. It was said the fish can grow to a length of over 50 cm. As for the types of fish that ' he said belida ' set as material food making typical pempek palembang.

However, bangkok knife clown fish from palembang has no spots on his body guys. ...
Belida fish body shape is quite unique, small tapered head, and turns his towering like mount twin or impressed bend.

Fish fish predators including bangkok knife clown fish also guys, because be given feedback in the form of small fishes. So, if you observe this fish (belida) don't mix with small fish, could run out in packed by him.

In the aquarium, these fish could be a tankmate Arowana fish and some other type of big fish. Their very nature tend to be quiet and not very active in the aquarium.The movement is almost like fin black ghost fish that looks like a windblown banners: mrgreen:

Spot in the body is a strong attraction for lovers of ornamental fish. The more spot, more interesting. In fact there are also seeking a certain amount of Spot. Yes ... All depends on the tastes of each of these guys ...

The price of bangkok knife clown fish on the market including the ' Dim ' because of the availability of goods is also uncertain. If again a lot, usually we can buy with a relatively cheaper price, but if you are rare, it could be two or three times the market price.

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Bangkok Knife Clown Fish
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