Monday 30 May 2016

Peacock Bass / PBass (Cichla Species)

Peacock Bass or Pbass is one fish predators are pretty much likely. This fish is one of the biggest fish in the family cichlidae. Pbass comes from waters in the Americas. There are many varieties of this type of Peacok Bass, the most commonly encountered is Monoculus, Occelaris and Orinoco. Although fish visible appearance Pbass spooky but green color beautiful golden age many make fans fall in love with fish fish this beast.
Fierce-faced fish has a very quick movement to hunt down prey. Pbass also includes fish fish that greedy. The maximum size of this fish can reach 75 cm. And growthrate or the growth rate of fish the Peacock Bass including very fast. For large size it is necessary for them.

There are several types of fish Peacok Bass is

1. Peacock Bass Monoculus (Cichla Monoculus)

2. Oscelaris Peacok Bass (Cichla Oscelaris)

3. Orinoco Peacock Bass (Cichla Orinocensis)

4. Peacok Bass Temensis (Cichla Temensis)

5  Kelberi Peacock Bass (Cichla kelberi)

6. Azul Peacock Bass (Cichla piquiti)

7. the Xingu peacock Bass (Cichla melaniae)

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Peacock Bass / PBass (Cichla Species)
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