Monday 30 May 2016

Cat Fish

Many species of catfish or more we know by the name of catfish/ornamental catfish into a freshwater aquarium fish that many are interested in the ornamental fish hobbyists. A great many types of catfish or catfish this size ranging from small to giant. For example only Red tail catfish is able to reach a size of 1 meter as adults.

Armored Catfish Corydoras-

Family: Callichthyidae
This type of catfish are small and occupy the base of the aquarium. There are many types of corydoras is however the most ubiquitous i.e. albino corydoras. Ornamental fish is suitable for you who have Aquarium size is not too large. These fish can also be connect with other ornamental fish in one community in the Aquarium.

Banjo Catfish

Family: Aspredinidae
This mustachioed fish named "Banjo" because these fish have a shape like a banjo.That is included in the banjo catfish is Banjo Cat/Guitarrita (Bunocephalus Coracoid) originating from South America. The fish most of the time is spent on this silence including nocturnal fish who are more active at night.

Flat-nosed Antenna Catfish-Catfish

Family: Pimelodidae
This group of fish is one of the most popular and in interest. Some of them belong to the predator fish and have a maximum size until it reaches more than 1 meterso as to keep this fish to mature will be in need of the aquarium with the enormous size or place in the fish pond
This Catfish antenna according to the origin is divided into 2 parts, namely: SouthAmerica Antenna Catfish and Antenna Catfish.
That is included in the group South America Antenna Catfish, among others, were: the Pictus Cat, Red Tail Cat Fish, Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (TSN), Lima Shovelnose/Sorubim Lima, Marbled Pim, Four-lined Pimelodus, Zebra Shovelnose/Tigrinus Catfish.
The most popular of American catfish group include Red Tail Catfish, Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (TSN) and Which belong to the Asian Group Antenna Catfish among others are: Asian Bumblebee Catfish, Asian Upside-down Catfish, Catfish Lancer Black, Shadow Catfish

Naked Upside-Down Catfish-Catfish

Family: Mochicidae
One of the uniqueness of this type of fish is that they like to swim with OpenDNS.

Pangasius Catfish-Shark Catfish

Family: Pangasiidae
This type is one of the most numerous in interest. Fish/catfish pangasius is one that is included into the group. There is a type of shark catfish is very similar to a shark we know by the name of Genghis Khan's name. To maintain this type of fish to adults in need a fairly large aquarium because of its size can reach 1 meter even more. One of the largest is the Giant Mekong Catfish can reach a size of more than 2.5 metres.
That is included in this group, among others, Iridescent Shark, Striped Catfish, Sutchi Catfish (Paroon Shark), Catfish Pangas (Yellowtail Catfish), One Spot Pangasius, Giant Mekong Catfish
Mekong giant catfish
Mekong Giant Catfish

Shark Catfish-Sea Catfish

Family: Ariidae
Catfish of this type is capable of living in brackish or fresh water.

Suckermouth Catfish-Armor-Plated Catfish

Loricariidae Family:
Perhaps we are more familiar with the name fish sweep-broom. Or often called as"pleco". This family loricariidae is the largest group of Catfish with 680 more species

Thorny Catfish

Family: Doradidae
This catfish has the characteristic of "bone" that stand out along the body

Walking Catfish

Family: Clariidae
Catfish or catfish of this type is probably the most often we find the village, catfish,clarias gariepinus (Clarias gariepinus) are included in this group. Although there are some species that we should consider becoming residents of the Aquarium we are albino catfish clarias catfish albino aka

Driftwood Catfish

Family: Auchenipteridae
Have a unique body shape type of driftwood catfish is also very suitable for our aquarium. Catfish jaguar catfish and oil are included in this category.

Whale Catfish

Family: Cetopsidae
As the name suggests this type of catfish or clarias overview similar to whale (whale). While there are several among this type of whale catfish is more like a shark.

Talking Catfish

Family: Doradidae
Types of ornamental catfish called "talking catfish" catfish or talk because he couldemit "click" especially when heon the move from the Aquarium

Sisorid Catfish

Family: Sisoridae
Catfish or clarias originating from asia usually live in fresh water and is able to adapt to their surroundings so. That is included in this group include Moth Catfish (Hara Jerdoni),

Electric Catfish

Family Malapteruridae
Some types of catfish or catfish of this group of fish from Africa is able to generate electricity up to 350 volts. Usually they are active at night.

Sheath Catfish

Family: Siluridae
Catfish or the catfish is also known by the name of wels catfish. The hallmark of the sheath fish catfish is her mouth wide.

One that includes this group i.e. dinema catfish that originate from Borneo and Glass Catfish aka glass catfish

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